Mulan – Reflecting is a rare character with a cost of 4, classified as Floodborn, Hero, and Princess. We can ink her, she has 3 Strength and 3 Willpower, and she can use 2 knowledge points. Since she is Floodborn, she has Shift (in her case Shift 2), which allows us to pay 2 ink to play her on top of another character named Mulan. She also has an ability called Honor to the Ancestors, which reads: "Whenever this character quests, we may reveal the top card of our deck. If it is a song card, we may play it for free. If not, place it on top our deck.” Her beautiful artwork was created by Lissette Carrera.
In 1998 we sang along to the Mulan soundtrack all the time, and this card reminds us how much we associate her with music. While Floodborn can transform a character in unpredictable ways, it can also enhance one of their specific qualities or talents. We love the idea that music always follows Mulan – Reflecting as she quests.
Since we are Amber/Steel players, we immediately think of playing a free Steel song like Grab Your Sword or A Whole New World. But there is a combo in Amethyst with Mulan – Reflecting that is even more in theme…